How can Africans move from chatting to serious wealth creation?

Like any other innovation, the explosion of ICTs and social media has come with merits and demerits in most developing countries.  Although it is always tempting to look at the advantages and ignore disadvantages, we can learn a lot from examining both sides.   Africa now has millions of WhatsApp groups and other social media-driven platforms.  Read more about How can Africans move from chatting to serious wealth creation?[…]

Why producers should always get a clear view of the competitive landscape

While African countries seem to be encouraging their farmers to produce for exporting to developed countries, those countries are looking at African countries as their customers. Competition has become so real that it is very easy to find chickens from Brazil and Chinese noodles in remote corners of Africa. This means all producers, including smallholder Read more about Why producers should always get a clear view of the competitive landscape[…]

Farmers and traders with diversified sources of information are more successful

In many developing countries, farmers who diversify their sources of information and knowledge are more successful than those who rely on fewer sources. These are some of the issues, eMKambo has uncovered through social listening and sentiment analysis in farming communities and agriculture markets. Another critical observation is that farmers and agricultural organisations struggle with Read more about Farmers and traders with diversified sources of information are more successful[…]